The Artist


Glass Artist, Lecturer and Renowned Author (Warm Glass 1,2 & 3 – Published 1987/1990)Warm Glass
Sculptor of Kiln Fired Glass (Warm Glass).
Shar Feil-Moorman is an internationally recognized glass
Artist, with numerous installations in private residences,
commercial buildings and public art displays. (Lecture/
Forum/Consultant/Artist in Residence/Kiln Designer/
Research and Development fused/recycled glass).
Lecturing – Sydney College of the Arts (1983-1988),
University of Sydney, N.S.W. University, S.A. University,
Griffith University, Ausglass National Conference,
Portcon Conference – Seattle,
Artist/Research  in Residence – (Bullseye Company) Oregon,
Shar’s work is ‘part of ‘ the permanent collections at the
Museum of Applied Arts and Science, Powerhouse Museum, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Wagga Wagga City Art
Centre and the book “Warm Glass” acquired by Corning Museum Library.  Commissioned works
includes Darling Harbour, Bicentennial project, Brisbane
City Council, Maroochy Shire Council, Caboolture, Nunda
and Fernwood Women’s Health Clubs.  Awards received
include Best Glass Artist in Australia, Best Book at U.S.A.
Glass Industry Awards.A background of extensive experience in large and small scale glass (traditional and contemporary) and associations with other mediums along with collaborative works, provides Shar with an ability to dialog with Architects, Builders, Interior Designers and the knowledge to problem solve within
the constraint of the medium. Shar has forged a unique vocabulary and skill in Art Glass.

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