Casting Mould Making and Kiln Cast Glass Sunshine Coast Glass Sculpting


_EAS89231kiln cast glassSGA101In kiln casting glass is placed into a mould then fired in a kiln. Student will produce projects from a wide range of glass types, recycled to the extensive range of manufactured glass, learning how to change surface appearances from optical clear, translucent, opaque to a heavily textured appearance. In this class the design emphasis initially will be placed on line and texture, producing surprisingly varied results in the projects by altering firing temperatures, glass type and properties of moulds. Associated theory on annealing, compatibility and the firing regime will be covered. A large body of mould making processes will be demonstrated and fabricated, producing durable, reusable, non-reusable, relief, reverse relief moulds and open/closed (investment) moulds. Students will be encouraged to learn cold-glass techniques to create inlays and overlays within their cast projects, encouraged to design, discuss, and problem solve. The aim of the workshop is to develop multi-skills necessary to translate concept/design into glass with some degree of ease